Our Back on Track Community Share Offer is closing!
If you would like to join us on this journey as an Investor Member, you have until 11:59pm on Wednesday 15 March 2023.

Our Back on Track Community Share Offer closes this Wednesday 15 March. To invest, click here or the big pink button in the post below.
When the COVID-19 pandemic started in March 2020, Equal Care Co-op was a little over two years old and not even a year had passed since our original community share offer. All of a sudden, like thousands of organisations across the country, we were met head-on by a myriad of challenges and setbacks that we never expected.
Then, in March 2022, we dusted ourselves off and launched the Back on Track Community Share Offer: a call for investors to help us to recover from the damage caused by two years of pandemic restrictions and their severe knock-on effects.
We are now one year on from the launch of that offer and the response has been once again overwhelming and life-affirming: £236,000 has been invested by both new investors and those who backed us in 2019! If you were one of those wonderful individuals, we would like to offer a sincere, heartfelt, all-caps-and-loads-of-exclamation-marks THANK YOU!!!
This terrific news sits alongside the incredible care and support that our members continue to provide across Calderdale. That membership is also growing: in the last year, we doubled our number of care and support workers to 40 people whilst maintaining an incredibly low turnover for the sector (4.2%). We are seeing the profound change that our model of care and support is bringing to both those receiving it and those giving it, and we are striding purposefully through 2023 with increasing confidence in how it can be grown and replicated in other local authorities.
We would love to welcome more investor members into our community to join us on our journey towards reshaping social care in this country; ushering in a kinder, more resilient and better way to give and receive care and support. If you would like to join us on this journey as an Investor Member, you have until 11:59pm on Wednesday 15 March 2023. After this point, the Back on Track Community Share Offer will close.